Professor Jean-Marie Lehn

Meeting the Nobel Prize Winners at CityU
Meeting the Nobel Prize Winners at CityU
CityU News Centre · 10 Nov 2017
City University of Hong Kong presented the prestigious Nobel Science Week that featured three Nobel Laureates in Chemistry and Physics from 6 to 10 November.

城大新闻网 · 10 Nov 2017

信报 · 18 Oct 2017
石四药集团(02005)公布,旗下全资附属石家庄四药近日与诺贝尔化学奖得主莱恩(Jean-Marie Lehn)签署关于建立诺贝尔奖工作站的合作协议。根据合作协议,石家庄四药聘请莱恩担任首席学术顾问,建立诺贝尔奖工作站,为石家庄四药提供科学研究及人才培养等服务。

城大新闻网 · 21 Nov 2016

IAS symposium explores chemistry of complex matter
IAS symposium explores chemistry of complex matter
CityU NewsCentre · 21 Nov 2016
The two-day Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Symposium on Chemistry of Complex Matter at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) kicked off with a Nobel Laureate’s distinguished lecture on 14 November. The symposium invited scholars and renowned chemists from Europe and China to share their academic discoveries through a series of lectures delivered during the event.

Nobel laureates join research institute at CityU to promote innovative research
Nobel laureates join research institute at CityU to promote innovative research
QS News2WOWU · 11 Apr 2016
IAS marks a new phase in the promotion of innovative research in Hong Kong by world-leading scholars to address critical global challenges.

大公报 · 8 Dec 2015

城大新闻网 · 5 Dec 2015

CityU scientists join Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong as founding members
CityU scientists join Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong as founding members
CityU NewsCentre · 5 Dec 2015
Three leading scientists at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) have joined the new Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong (the Academy) as founding members.

Two French Nobel Prize at the inauguration of the
Two French Nobel Prize at the inauguration of the "Institute for Advanced Study" of the "City university of Hong Kong"
France in Hong Kong - Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau · 30 Nov 2015
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) was inaugurated on November 22, 2015 at CityU from 11am to 2pm in presence of M. Eric Berti (Consul general in Hong Kong and Macau), Prof. Serge Haroche, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics in 2012, Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry in 1987, Prof. Philippe Ciarlet, Member of French Academy of Sciences.

城大设高等研究院 诺奖邵逸夫奖得主坐阵
城大设高等研究院 诺奖邵逸夫奖得主坐阵
灼见名家 · 25 Nov 2015

城大设高等研究院两诺奖得主加盟 研智能城市等合创科局重点
城大设高等研究院两诺奖得主加盟 研智能城市等合创科局重点
明报 · 23 Nov 2015

城大高研院开幕 聚焦三跨科主题
城大高研院开幕 聚焦三跨科主题
文汇报 · 23 Nov 2015

城大创高等研究院 顶尖专家组团队 关注公众健康 建造智能城市
城大创高等研究院 顶尖专家组团队 关注公众健康 建造智能城市
星岛日报 · 23 Nov 2015

城大新闻网 · 22 Nov 2015

CityU's Institute for Advanced Study will champion bold new research initiatives
CityU's Institute for Advanced Study will champion bold new research initiatives
CityU NewsCentre · 22 Nov 2015
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) marks a new phase in the promotion of innovative research in Hong Kong by world-leading scholars to address critical global challenges of today.