IAS lecture on design of quake-proof bridge
IAS lecture on design of quake-proof bridge
CityU News Centre · 20 Nov 2017
The basis for the development of the design for the foundation of the Rion-Antirion Bridge was based on an understanding of seismic behaviour, according to Professor Alain Pecker at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Distinguished Lecture at City University of Hong Kong on 15 November.

城大新聞網 · 20 Nov 2017
法國國立路橋大學Alain Pecker教授 在11月15日於香港城市大學主持高等研究院傑出講座時指出,里翁—安提里翁大橋的基礎設計是從理解淺層地震行為發展出來的。