Professor Jian Lu

Super small, super strong
Super small, super strong
CityU Today · 5 Jun 2017
Really, really small, but very, very strong: this sums up the very specific advanced material that scientists led by IAS Senior Fellow Professor Jian Lu at CityU have created.

深港联手打造“逆天”合金 强度超过现有同类材料10倍
深港联手打造“逆天”合金 强度超过现有同类材料10倍
江苏热线 · 11 May 2017
5月4日出版的《自然》纸质版杂志的封面主题是“POWERFUL ALLOY”(“超强合金”),这是一项由香港城市大学副校长、香港城市大学深圳研究院院长、先进结构材料研究中心主任吕坚率领的科研团队取得的科研成果。这也是近年来,中国研究单位在物理、材料科学等领域的成果首次被选为这本权威科学期刊的封面故事。

香港城市大学副校长吕坚专访:勇立浪潮之巅 打造世界级材料学系新标杆
香港城市大学副校长吕坚专访:勇立浪潮之巅 打造世界级材料学系新标杆
新材料线上 · 6 May 2017

IAS Senior Fellow Professor Jian Lu’s Research Appears on the Front Cover of <em>Nature</em>
IAS Senior Fellow Professor Jian Lu’s Research Appears on the Front Cover of Nature
Nature website · 4 May 2017
The cover of Nature (4 May 2017, Volume 545, Number 7652) shows the microstructure of an exceptionally strong thin-film magnesium alloy captured using transmission electron microscopy. Produced by dual-phase nanostructuring, this alloy has a strength that approaches the ideal theoretical limit. Nanostructuring of crystalline metal alloys can yield high-strength materials, but these tend to soften as the strain is increased. In this latest work, IAS Senior Fellow Professor Jian Lu and his team combine the benefits of nanocrystallinity with those of single-phase amorphous metallic glasses to yield a dual-phase material --- MgCu2 nanocrystalline grains (6 nm) enclosed in an amorphous glassy shell (2 nm) --- that resulted in the strongest thin-film magnesium alloy to be made so far. Cover image: Susanna Siu & Ge Wu/City University of Hong Kong.

城大成功研制最强镁合金 全球首创
城大成功研制最强镁合金 全球首创
城大新闻网 · 6 Apr 2017

CityU develops the world’s strongest magnesium alloy
CityU develops the world’s strongest magnesium alloy
CityU NewsCentre · 6 Apr 2017
A research team at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has achieved a ground-breaking advancement in materials research by successfully developing the first-ever supra-nano magnesium alloy.

IAS Senior Fellow Professor Jian Lu receives Légion d’Honneur
IAS Senior Fellow Professor Jian Lu receives Légion d’Honneur
CityU NewsCentre · 13 Feb 2017
The French government has bestowed the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur on Professor Jian Lu, Vice-President (Research and Technology) (VPRT) and Dean of Graduate Studies at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) since November 2013.
The Légion d’Honneur is the highest national order led by the President of France who services as grand master of the order.

城大新闻网 · 13 Feb 2017