Professor Jian Lu

Dip Ing, MSc, PhD (UTC), Habilitation (UPMC Paris 6), Fellow SEM, Fellow HKAES, Fellow HKIS

Senior Fellow of Institute for Advanced Study, City University of Hong Kong

Academician of National Academy of Technologies of France

Professor Jian Lu

Contact Information

Web: Personal Homepage

Research Interests

  • Biomaterials (Ti, Zr, Mg, NiTi, Co, Hydroxyapatite, ZrO2) and biomechanics
  • Integration of advanced materials and processing through computational simulation and computer aided design
  • Mechanical characterization and processing of nanomaterials and advanced structural materials
  • Experimental mechanics and residual stress

Educational Qualifications

  • 1993:
    Habilitation, Mechanics, UPMC (Université Pierre et Marie CURIE) (University of PARIS VI)
  • 1986:
    Doctor (Ph.D), Materials Science and Applied Mechanics, University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)
  • 1984:
    Diplome d'Etude Approfondie (DEA) (MSc), Materials Science, University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)
  • 1984:
    Engineer Diploma, Mechanical Engineering (MEng), and stream: Materials and Technology Innovations, University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)
  • 1979:
    National scholarship (jan. 79) for studying abroad, Intensive French Language Study at University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)
  • 1978:
    Peking University, Department of Chemistry
Professor Jian Lu is well known for his research in the fields of surface science and engineering, processing and mechanical properties of nanomaterials and advanced materials, experimental mechanics and residual stress. Professor Lu has published more than 300 SCI journal papers (Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Acta Materialia, Physical Review Letters and Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids) and is the inventor of 10 granted patents in USA, Europe and China with international extension. He has been the receipt of numerous awards including The French Knight Order of National Merit (Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite) in 2006 and Gold Medal with Mention in the 56th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technologies at Brussels Expo in 2007. He was elected as a Fellow of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM, USA) in 2010 and as an Academician of the National Academy of Technologies of France in 2011. He was also elected as a Fellow of the Hong Kong of Engineering Sciences and of the Hong Kong Institute of Science in 2013.

Professional Experience

Sep 2010 - Present, City University of Hong Kong:

  • Vice-President (Research and Technology) and Dean of Graduate Studies (since 15 Nov 2013)
  • Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering
  • Director of Centre for Advanced Structural Materials (since Aug 2011)
  • Acting Dean of School of Veterinary Medicine (14 Mar 2014 - 1 Mar 2015)
  • Dean of College of Science and Engineering (2010-14 Nov 2013)

2005 - 2010, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University:

  • Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering
  • Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering (since Feb 2008)

1994 - 2005, University of Technology of Troyes (UTT):

  • Professor (Promoted to 1st class since 1999 by the National Committee)
  • Head of the Mechanical Systems Engineering Department (1994 - 2004)
  • Director of the Mechanical Systems and Concurrent Engineering Laboratory (LASMIS, FRE CNRS 2719, CNRS and Ministry of Education)

1995 - 1999:

  • Co-leader of the UTC (Compiegne)-UTT (Troyes) Doctor Program in Science of Mechanics for Engineer

1993 - 1994:

  • Professor (Part time), Mechanical Systems Division
  • Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Technology of Compiegne

1987 - 1994:

  • Senior Research Engineer and Head of the Residual Stress and Coating Adhesion Laboratory, Material Department, CETIM (French Technical Center for Mechanical Industries)

Awards and Honors

  • The French Knight Order of National Merit (Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite) in 2006
  • Gold Medal with Mention in the 56th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technologies at Brussels Expo (2007)
  • Fellow of Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), USA (2010)
  • Elected as Academician, National Academy of Technology of France (NATF) (2011)
  • Elected as Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) (2013)
  • Elected as Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Science (HKIS) (2013)
  • The French Knight of Legion of Honour (Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur) in 2017

Professional Affiliations

Professor Lu serves or served as a member of editorial board:

  • The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, IMechE (Member of Editorial Board)
  • CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua (Member of Editorial Board)
  • Science China Technological Sciences (Member of Editorial Board)
  • ACTA MECHINICA Solida Sinica (Member of Editorial Board)
  • Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letter (Associate Editors-in-Chief)
  • International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design (Member of Editorial Board)
  • ACTA MECHINICA Sinica (Editor)
  • Experimental Mechanics, SEM, USA (Associate Technical Editor)
  • “Handbook of Measurement of Residual Stresses” organized by SEM. The Fairmont Press and Prentice Hall (Editor)
  • “Residual Stress and Mechanical Design” and “Residual Stress: Manufacturing and Materials Processing”, two handbooks organized by Society for Experimental Mechanics (Editor)

Past and Actual National and International Appointments

  • Expert of French Ministry of Education (Engineering field) for the evaluation of the research laboratories, research projects and education programmes(2000-2004);
  • Overseas Assessor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Since 1999);
  • Member of Expert Panel (29 members in total) for the preparation of EU document entitled "Future needs and challenges for materials and nanotechnology research" for the preparation of 6th EU Research Program;
  • Member of International Experts Group (10 members for all the scientific fields) of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology(2004-2006);
  • Expert of Evaluation for EU research and technology development programs from 2000 to 2004 (GROWTH and CRAFT);
  • Member of International Advisory Committee of the first Chinese national laboratory: Shenyang National Laboratory for Material Sciences
    • Chairman (1994-1998) and Vice-Chairman (1990-1994) of the Residual stress division of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM, USA)
    • Chairman (2005-2008) of Managing Board of the Sino-European School of Technology (UTSEUS a joint structure of three French Universities and Shanghai University);
    • Academic Committee Member of Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, Tsinghua University (since 2011)
    • Overseas Panel Member of Engineering and Material Sciences of the NSF China (2011 and 2012)
    • A member of GRC’s Hong Kong Advisory Board of the Gordon Research Conference

External Research project grants received in Hong Kong since 2007

Project Title with Prof. Jian LU as PISource of fundingPeriod

Investigation of High Strength, High Ductility Nanostructured Material


Study of the Role of Residual Stress Distribution on the Mechanical Behaviour of the Metallic Glass


Design and Realization of Structural Materials with High Strength and High Ductility

RGC Collaborative Research Fund2009-2013

Study of Fracture Mechanisms of Ultrahigh Strength Steels with Nanometer Scale Twins


Control and Impact of Residual Stresses on the Mechanical Behaviour of Bulk Metallic Glasses

RGC France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme2009-2011

Development of SMAT Platform for Biomedical Device and Implants Using High Diffusion Properties Material

HK Innovation and Technology Support Programme2007-2009

Development of the Layered Nanostructured Metallic Sheet/Plate for Structural Applications

HK Innovation and Technology Support Programme (NAMI)2008-2010

Residual Stress Measurement Dedicated to Structural Aeronautical Composite Part with Organic Matrix


Study of the Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials with Nanotwins

Croucher Foundation, CAS_Croucher Funding Scheme for Joint Laboratories2010-2015

Synthesis and High Performance of Hierarchical Nanostructured Metal


Development of Advanced Structural Steel with High Density Nano/Submicron Twin for Lightweight Products


Enhancement of Hardness Property of Precious Metal of Various Purity for Jewellery Industry by Using Surface Nanocrystallization


Development of High-performance Energy Absorption Structures Based on the Structure Optimization and Material Enhancement


High-performance TiO2-based Pollutant Degradation Devices Manufactured Directly From Ti Foil Enabled By The Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment


Selected Recent Publications

  1. Tong W.P., Tao N.R., Wang Z.B., Lu J., Lu K. Nitriding iron at lower temperatures, Science, Jan. 2003, p. 686-688.
  2. Zhang H.W., Hei Z.K., Liu G., Lu J., Lu K. Formation of nanostructured surface layer on AISI 304 stainless steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment, Acta Materialia, 51, April 2003, p. 1871-1881.
  3. Wang Z.B., Tao N.R., Tong W.P., Lu J., Lu K. Diffusion of chromium in nanocrystalline iron produced by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment, Acta Materialia, Vol. 51, August 2003, p. 4319-4329.
  4. Cao Y.P., Lu J. Depth-sensing instrumented indentation with dual sharp indenters: stability analysis and corresponding regularization schemes, Acta Materialia, Vol.52, p 1143-1153, March 2004.
  5. Cao Y.P., Lu J., A new method to extract the plastic properties of metal materials from an instrumented spherical indentation loading curve, Acta Materialia, 52 (13): 4023-4032 AUG 2 2004.
  6. Huang L.Y., Lu J., Xu K.W., "Elasto-plastic deformation and fracture mechanism of a diamond-like carbon film deposited on a Ti-6Al-4V substrate in nano-scratch test", Thin solid film, 466 (1-2): 175-182 NOV 1 2004.
  7. Cao Y.P., Lu J., Size-dependent sharp indentation-I: A closed-form expression of the indentation loading curve, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Jan. 2005, vol. 53, pp33-48.
  8. Cao Y.P., Lu J., Size-dependent sharp indentation-II: A reverse algorithm to identify plastic properties of metallic materials, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Jan. 2005, vol 53, pp49-62.
  9. Wu X., Tao N., Hong Y., Liu, G., Xu B., Lu J., Lu K., Strain-induced grain refinement of cobalt during surface mechanical attrition treatment, Acta Materialia, 53 (3): 681-691 Feb. 2005.
  10. Chen X.H., Lu J., Lu L., Lu K., Tensile properties of a nanocrystalline 316L austenitic stainless steel, Scripta Materialia, 52 (2005) 1039-1044, May 2005.
  11. T.Roland, D.Retraint, K.Lu, J.Lu, Fatigue life improvement through surface nanostructuring of stainless steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment, Scripta Materialia, Volume 54, Issue 11, June 2006, Pages 1949-1954.
  12. K.Wang, N.R.Tao, G.Liu, J.Lu, K.Lu, Plastic strain-induced grain refinement at the nanometer scale in copper, Acta Materialia, 54, Issue 19, 5281-5291, Nov. 2006.
  13. Y.M.Lin, J.Lu, L.P.Wang, T.Xu, Q.J.Xue, Surface nanocrystallization by surface mechanical attrition treatment and its effect on structure and properties of plasma nitrided AISI 321 stainless steel, Acta Materialia, Volume 54, Issue 20, December 2006, pp5599-5605.
  14. Y.P.Cao, M.Dao, J.Lu, A precise correcting method for the study of the superhard material using nanoindentation tests, Journal of Materials Research - Vol. 22, No. 5, May, 2007, 1255-1265.
  15. X.L.Wu, N.R. Tao, Q.M. Wei, P. Jiang, J.Lu, K. Lu , Microstructural evolution and formation of nanocrystalline intermetallic compound during surface mechanical attrition treatment of cobalt, Acta Materialia, Volume 55, Issue 17, October 2007.
  16. M.Wen, J.F.Gu, G.Liu, Z.B.Wang, J.Lu, Nanocrystalline Titanium to Mesoporous Anatase with High Bioactivity, Crystal Growth & Design, Vol 7., N.12, Dec. 2007, pp2400-2403.
  17. L.Zhang, Y.Han, J.Lu, Nanocrystallization of zirconium subjected to surface mechanical attrition treatment, Nanotechnology, Volume:19, Issue:16, Article Number: 165706 Published: APR 2008.
  18. A.Y.Chen, D.F.Li, J.B.Zhang, H.W.Song, J.Lu, Make nanostructured metal exceptionally tough by introducing non-localized fracture behaviors, Scripta Materialia, Volume 59, Issue 6, September 2008, Pages 579-582.
  19. Y.Yang, J.C.Ye, J.Lu, F.X.Liu, P.K.Liaw, Effects of specimen geometry and base material on the mechanical behavior of focused-ion-beam-fabricated metallic-glass micropillars, Acta Materialia, Volume 57, Issue 5, March 2009, Pages 1613-1623.
  20. Y.G.Zheng, J.Lu, H.W.Zhang, Z.Chen, Strengthening and toughening by interface-mediated slip transfer reaction in nanotwinned copper, Scripta Materialia, Volume 60, Issue 7, April 2009, Pages 508-511.
  21. Fan JT, Chen AY, Fu MW, J.Lu, A novel structural gradient metallic glass composite with enhanced mechanical properties, Scripta Materialia: Volume 61, Issue 6, Sept 2009, Pages 608-611.
  22. Y.H.Li, M.W.Yang, D.N.Wang, J.Lu, T.Sun, K.T.V.Grattan, Fiber Bragg gratings with enhanced thermal stability by residual stress relaxation, Optics Express, 26 October 2009, Vol. 17, No. 22, pp 19785-19790.
  23. J.C.Ye, J.Lu, Y.Yang, P.K.Liaw, Study of the intrinsic ductile to brittle transition mechanism of the metallic glasses, Acta Materialia, 57(20): 6037-6046, Dec 2009.
  24. H.H.Ruan, A.Y.Chen, J.Lu, Characterization of Plastically Graded Nanostructured Material: Part I the Theories and the Inverse Algorithm of Nanoindentation, Mechanics of Materials, Volume 42, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 559-569.
  25. D.F.Li, C.F.Li, H.Qing, J.LuThe elastic T-stress for slightly curved or kinked cracks International Journal of Solids and Structure, Vol. 47, Issue 14, July 2010 pp1753-1763.
  26. H.H.Ruan, A.Y.Chen, H.L.Chan, J.Lu, Characterization of Plastically Graded Nanostructured Material: Part II the Experimental Validation in Surface Nanostructured Material, Mechanics of Materials, Volume 42, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 698-708.
  27. X.Guo, A.Y.T.Leung, , A.Y.Chen, H.H.Ruan, J.Lu, Investigation of non-local cracking in layered stainless steel with nanostructured interface, Scripta Materialia, Volume 63, Issue 4, August 2010, Pages 403-406.
  28. J.C.Ye, J.Lu, C.T.Liu, Q.Wang, Y.Yang, Atomistic Free-Volume Zones and Inelastic Deformation of Metallic-Glasses Characterized by High-Frequency Dynamic Micropillar Tests, Nature Materials, Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 619-623.
  29. H.L.Chan, H.H.Ruan, A.Y.Chen, J.Lu, Optimization of strain-rate to achieve exceptional mechanical properties of 304 stainless steel using high speed ultrasonic SMAT, Acta Materialia, Volume 58, Issue 15, September 2010, Pages 5086-5096.
  30. X.J.Liu, Y.Xu, X.Hui, Z.P.Lu, F.Li, G.L.Chen, J.Lu, C.T.Liu, Metallic Liquids and Glasses: Atomic Order and Global Packing, Physical Review Letters, Volume 105, Issue 15, 155501, October 2010.
  31. H.Li, M.W.Fu, J.Lu, H.Yang, Ductile fracture: experiments and computations, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 27, Issue 2, Feb. 2011, pp147-180.
  32. A.Y.Chen, H.H.Ruan, J.Wang, H.L.Chan, Q.Wang, Q. Li, J.Lu, The influence of strain rate on the microstructure transition of 304 stainless steel, Acta Materialia, Volume 59, Issue 9, May 2011, pages 3697-3709.
  33. Q.Wang, C.T.Liu, Y.Yang, Y.D.Dong, J.Lu, Atomic-Scale Structural Evolution and Stability of Supercooled Liquid of a Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass, Physical Review Letters, May 2011, Volume 106, Issue 21, N. 215505.
  34. L.L.Zhu, H.H.Ruan, X.Y.Li, M.Dao, H.J.Gao, J.Lu, Modeling grain size dependent optimal twin spacing for achieving ultimate high strength and related high ductility in nanotwinned metals, Acta Materialia, August 2011, Volume 59, Issue 14, pages 5544-5557.
  35. H.H.Ruan, L.C.Zhang, J.Lu, A new constitutive model for shear banding instability in metallic glass, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Oct. 2011, Vol. 48, Issue 21, pages: 3112-3127.
  36. J.Frontan, Y.M.Zhang, M.Dao, J.Lu, F.Galvez, A.Jerusalem, Ballistic performance of nanocrystalline and nanotwinned ultrafine crystal steel, Acta Materialia, Feb. 2012, Volume 60, Issue 3, pages 1353-1367.
  37. L.L.Zhu, J.Lu, Modelling the plastic deformation of nanostructured metals with bimodal grain size distribution, International Journal of Plasticity, March 2012, Volumes 30-31, Pages 166-184.
  38. L.L.Zhu, S.Q.Shi, K.Lu, J.Lu, A statistical model for predicting the mechanical properties of nanostructured metals with bimodal grain size distribution, Acta Materialia, Volume 60, Issue 16, September 2012, Pages 5762-5772.
  39. Y.F.Wu, J.Lu, Preventing Debonding at the Steel to Concrete Interface through Strain Localization, Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 45, Issue 1, February 2013, Pages 1061-1070.
  40. Q.Wang, C.T.Liu, Y.Yang, J.B.Liu, Y.D.Dong, J.Lu, The atomic-scale mechanism for the enhanced glass-forming-ability of a Cu-Zr based bulk metallic glass with minor element additions, Scientific Reports, Vol.4, Article number: 4648; APR 11 2014.
  41. Q.Wang, Y.Yang, H.Jiang, C.T.Liu, H.H.Ruan, J.Lu, Superior Tensile Ductility in bulk metallic glass with gradient amorphous structure, Scientific Reports, Vol.4, Article Number: 4757;  April 2014
  42. H.N.Kou, J.Lu, Y.Li, High-Strength and High-Ductility Nanostructured and Amorphous Metallic MaterialsAdvanced Materials, August 2014, 26, p5518–5524
  43. L.L.Zhu, S.Q.Qu, X.Guo, J.Lu, Analysis of the twin spacing and grain size effects on mechanical properties in hierarchically nanotwinned face-centered cubic metals based on a mechanism-based plasticity model, Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids,Volume:76, Pages:162-179, MAR 2015
  44. Q.Wang, S.T.Zhang, Y.Yang, Y.D.Dong, C.T.Liu, J.Lu, Unusual fast secondary relaxation in metallic glass, Nature Communications, 24 July 2015, doi:10.1038/ncomms8876
  45. Y.F.Ye, Q.Wang, J.Lu, C.T.Liu, Y.Yang, High-entropy alloy: challenges and prospects, Materials Today, Volume: 19, Issue: 6, Pages: 349-362, July-August, 2016
  46. Y.W.Zhan, S.S.Zeng, H.D.Bian, Z.Li, Z.T.Xu, J.Lu, Y.Y.Li, Bestow metal foams with nanostructured surfaces via a convenient electrochemical method for improved device performance, Nano Research, Volume: 9, Issue: 8, Pages: 2364-2371, AUG 2016
  47. L.L.Zhu, H.H.Ruan, A.Y.Chen, X.Guo, J.Lu, Microstructures-based constitutive analysis for mechanical properties of gradient-nanostructured 304 stainless steels, Acta Materialia, Vol. 128 , April 2017, pages375-390
  48. Zhang, L.C.Chan, T.Gao, Q.Wang, S.Zeng, H.Bian, C.Lee, Z.T.Xu, Y.Y.Li, J.Lu, Bulk monolithic electrodes enabled by surface mechanical attrition treatment-facilitated dealloying, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 4, Issue: 39, Pages: 15057-15063, Oct. 2016
  49. G.Wu, K.C.Chan, L.L.Zhu, L.G.Sun, J.Lu, Dual-phase nanostructuring as a route to high strength magnesium alloys, Nature, 4 May 2017, pp 80-83. 
    This paper was selected as a cover story of the issue.