Professor Liu Chain-Tsuan

BSc (National Taiwan), MSc (Brown), PhD (Brown)

Senior Fellow of Institute for Advanced Study, City University of Hong Kong

Member of US National Academy of Engineering &

Academia Sinica in Taiwan

Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Professor Liu Chain-Tsuan

Contact Information

Office: AC1-B6507
Phone: +852-3442-7213
Web: Personal Homepage

Research Interests

  • Physical metallurgy and mechanical behaviour of metals, alloys, nanostructure materials, intermetallic compounds and bulk amorphous alloys
  • Microstructure and phase transformation
  • Alloy design of high-temperature structural materials, precious metal alloys, Ti-base alloys, metal-matrix composites
  • Innovative material processing
Professor C.T. Liu is a member of National Academy of Engineering (NAE), USA, a foreign member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and an academician of Academia Sinica Taiwan. He is currently a University Distinguished Professor of City University of Hong Kong. He served as a Professor and Distinguished Research Professor at University of Tennessee between 2005 and 2009, and a Distinguished Professor at Auburn University, USA between 2005 and 2010. He is a world leader in the field of intermetallic and metallic materials. He has done pioneer work on mechanistically understanding the brittle fracture in intermetallic alloys and intergranular fracture in noble refractory alloys, correlation of atomic structures of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with their unique mechanical properties, and hardening of ferritic steels with various nanoparticles. He has published more than 500 journal papers and been granted 29 US patents. In 1995, ISI had identified him as one of top five highly-cited authors in the materials field. Professor Liu has received numerous honours and awards, including Acta Metallurgica Gold Medal Award, the E.O. Lawrence Award (a US President award) from USDOE, Brown Engineering Alumni Award from Brown University, the first Henry J. Albert Award from IPMI, Fellow Awards from five professional societies – Japan Institute of Metals, the World Technology Network, TMS, ASM, and IPMI, four I•R 100 Competition Awards from Industrial Magazine USA. He was an editor and the Chief Editor of the International Journal of Intermetallics for almost 20 years.

Academic Background

1960BS Degree in Mechanical EngineeringNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
1964MS Degree in Engineering and Materials ScienceBrown University, Providence, Rhode Island
1967PhD Degree in Materials Science and EngineeringBrown University, Providence, Rhode Island

Professional Experience

2009 - 2011Chair ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
2009 - 2011Distinguished ProfessorMaterials Engineering, Auburn University, USA
2008 - PresentAdjunct ProfessorInstitute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan
2006 - 2008Professor and Distinguished Research ProfessorDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA
2005 - 2006Distinguished Research ProfessorDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA
1997 - 2005Senior Corporate FellowOak Ridge National Laboratory, Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation, USA
1985 - 1997Corporate FellowOak Ridge National Laboratory, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., USA
1983 - 2005Group LeaderAlloying Behavior and Design Group, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
1967 - 1983Research Staff Member / Senior Research Staff MemberMetals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Honours, Awards and Recognitions


  • First International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, Jiangsu Province Government, Feburary 23, 2013


  • Vice Editor of Science China: Technological Science sponsored by CAS and CNSF, October 26, 2012 (starting 2013)
  • Chairman of the Academic Committee, the State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metal and Materials, University of Science and Engineering, Beijing, June, 2012


  • Appointed as a member of the Editorial Board of Nano Energy
  • Editorial Board Member of Progress in Nature Science: Material International
  • Chairman of the Academic Committee, Jiangsu Advanced Material Research Institute, Danyang, Jiangsu


  • R&D 100 Award for Development of Alumina-Forming Austenitic Stainless Steel


  • 2007 National Award for International Scientific and Technological Cooperation sponsored by National Office for Science and Technology Awards, P. R. China
  • Appointed as Adjunct Professor, World Premier International Research Center, Tohoku University


  • Awarded with Honorary Member of Japan Institute for Metals


  • Appointed as the Chairman of the Editors Board, Journal of Intermetallics
  • Appointed Honorary Distinguished Professor of Sichuan University, China
  • Received a National Friendship Award from the Office of Foreign Affairs, Chinese State Council


  • Elected as a Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) (similar to Foreign Member of NAE in USA)
  • The Albert Sauveur Achievement Award Selection Committee, Committee Member, ASM
  • Appointed as a Governor of the Acta Materialia Board to represent ASM
  • Research on structural amorphous steels (published in PRL 92, 245503-1 to -4, 2004) by ZP Lu, CT Liu, JR Thompson and WD Porter was selected as one of the Top Physics Stories in 2004 by APL


  • 2004 Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Science and Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Elected as a member of National Academy of Engineering (NAE) USA
  • Appointed as Honorary Professor at Central South University, Changsha, China
  • Appointed as Honorary Professor at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing China


  • Elected as a Fellow of the World Technology Network
  • Identified as a World Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science by ISI in the materials fields during the past 20 years
  • Selected as a Distinguished Inventor of Battelle Memorial Institute


  • Served on the Materials Technology Advisory Committee, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
  • Served on the International Advisory Committee of Shanyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, China


  • The 2001 Acta Metallurgica Gold Medal, February, 2001 "for his leadership and outstanding achievements in science and technology of ordered intermetallic alloys"
  • Identified as an author in the list of 1000 Most Cited Physicists during 1981-June, 1997 by ISI


  • Appointed as a member of the Editorial Board for Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China


  • Committee member for the evaluation of research papers for the new Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Grant, Japan
  • Member of the Materials Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) at Materials Research Laboratory, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (1999-2000)


  • Winner of the 1998 Sustained Outstanding Research Award in the Metals and Ceramics Sciences in the DOE 1998 Materials Science Research Competition
  • Received a Brown Engineering Alumni Medal Award, Brown University, May 1998
  • Appointed Chairman, ASM/TMS Distinguished Lecture in Materials & Society Selection Committee, February 1998
  • Appointed Chairman, TMS Fellow Award Committee, February, 1998


  • Senior Corporate Fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 1997
  • An editor of J. the Chinese Institute of Engineers
  • Appointed as a Honorable Professor, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China, April 1997


  • Received the Institute 1996 Best Paper Award in the category of Mechanical Behavior and Mechanical Characterization of Materials (with Y. Mishima and E. H. Lee) from Japan Institute of Metals (JIM), September, 1996
  • Appointed to NRC Panel on AFOSR Materials Science Proposal Reviews (metals expertise), National Research Council (NRC)
  • ORNL R&D Accomplishment Award for a breakthrough in alloy design of TiAl alloys


  • Fifth in worldwide ranking of highly cited authors publishing high-impact papers in all journals of Materials Science and Metallurgy during 1990-1994 [Science Watch, Vol. 6, No. 9, 1995, Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)]
  • Received the 1995 Buehler Technical Paper Merit Award for the best paper published in the Journal of Materials Characterization (with E. P. George and J. A. Horton from ORNL)


  • Fellow, TMS
  • NRC member of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Materials Science Review Panel, National Research Council (NRC)


  • Associate Editor, Materials Letters


  • Editor, Journal of Intermetallics


  • Received Outstanding Achievement Award from the Office of Special Applications, DOE
  • Distinguished Lecturer, invited by the National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C.


  • NSF committee member of site visit to Materials Research Lab (MRL) at MIT
  • DOE Outstanding Achievement Award to the Galileo RTG Team
  • I.R 100 Competition Award for "Ductile Iron Aluminides"
  • Appointed Principal Editor, Journal of Materials Research


  • E. O. Lawrence Award (established by the U.S. President), U.S. Department of Energy
  • Golden Acorn Award, the Inventor's Forum, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.


  • Corporate Fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
  • Recipient of the silver Jefferson Cup, a recognition given each year by Martin Marietta Corporation to a select few employees who have demonstrated excellence and have attained preeminence by virtue of superior performance
  • Scientist of the Year, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
  • Distinguished Alumni Award, Brown University


  • Fellow, American Society for Metals
  • Winner of the Department of Energy's 1984 Materials Sciences Research Competition Award in the Significant Implication for Energy Technology: Metallurgy and Ceramics Category
  • Spacecrafts Voyage I and II Team Award by JPL/NASA


  • IoR 100 Award for Development of NiFe Aluminides


  • The International Precious Metals Institute's Highest Personal Accomplishment Award - The Honorary Platinum Membership


  • The first recipient of the Henry J. Albert Award for outstanding theoretical or experimental contributions to the metallurgy of precious metals, by the International Precious Metals Institute


  • IoR 100 Award for Development of New LRO Alloys


  • Pioneer II Saturn Mission Team Award by NASA


  • Pioneer/Jupiter Team Award by NASA

Professional Society Activities


  • Governor of Acta Materialia appointed by TMS, 2005
  • Chairman and member, The Fellow Committee, TMS, 1996-1999
  • Fellow, 1994
  • Chairman of the Acta Met/Hume Rothery Award Committee, TMS, 1994-1995
  • Chairman of the Alloy Phases Committee, TMS, 1991-1993
  • Secretary of the Alloy Phase Committee, TMS, 1989-1991
  • Member of the Acta Metallurgica/Hume Rothery Award Committee, TMS, 1990-


  • Chairman of the ASM Engineering Material Achievement Award (EMAA) Selection Committee, 2003
  • Fellow, 1984
  • Chairman and Member of the ASM/TMS Distinguished Lecture in Materials and Society Selection Committee 1997-98
  • Member of the ASM Historical landmarks Awards Selection Committee 1998-2001
  • Appointed as Vice Chair for the ASM 2002 Engineering Material Achievement Award (EMAA) Selection Committee, 2002
  • Appointed as Chair for the ASM 2003 Engineering Material Achievement Award (EMAA) Selection Committee, 2003


  • The Honorary Platinum Member (Fellow), International Precious Metals Institute, 1982


  • Member of the Award Committee
  • Principal Editor, Journal of Materials Research, 1990-1993

World Technology Network

  • Fellow, June 2003

JIM, Japan

  • Honorary Member, 2007


  • A total of 29 US patents

Recent Publications

Edited books: 26 books

Open literature publications


  1. Sheng Guo, Chun Ng, C. T. Liu, “Anomalous solidification microstructures in Co-freeAlxCrCuFeNi2 High-Entropy Alloys”, J Alloy and Compounds 557, 77-81, 2013 (Jan.)
  2. YR Wen, A. Hirata, ZW Zhang, T. Fujita, C. T. Liu, JH Jiang, MW Chen, “Microstructure characterization of Cu-rich nanoprecipitates in a Fe–2.5 Cu–1.5 Mn–4.0 Ni–1.0 Al multicomponent ferritic alloy”, Acta Mater. 61, 2133-2147, 2013 (April)


  1. ZW Zhang, CT Liu, XL Wang, MK Miller, D Ma, G Chen, JR Williams, BA Chin, “Effect of proton irradiation on nanocluster precipitation in ferritic steel containing fcc alloying additions”, Acta Mater. 60, 3034-46, 2012
  2. G. Chen, X. L. Zhang, and C. T. Liu, “High strength and plastic strain of Mg-based bulk metallic glass composite containing in situ formed intermetallic phases”, Scripta Mater. 68, 150-153, Oct. 2012
  3. G Chen, JL Cheng, and CT Liu, “Large-sized Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite with enhanced tensile properties” Intermetallics 28, 25-33, 2012
  4. Yang, Y. and CT Liu, “Size effect on stability of shear band propagation in bulk metallic glasses: An overview”, J. Mater. Sci. 47, 55-67, 2012
  5. TG Nieh, Y. Yang, J. Lu, C. T. Liu, “Effect of surface modifications on shear banding and plasticity in metallic glasses: An overview”, Prog. Nature Science: Mater. Inter. 22, 355-363, 2012 (Oct.)
  6. Hirata A, T. Fujita, C. T. Liu, M. W. Chen, “Characterization of oxide nanoprecipitates in an oxide dispersion strengthened 14YWT steel using aberration-corrected STEM”, Acta Mater. 60, 5686-5696, 2012 (Sept.)
  7. Z. K. Teng, C. T. Liu, M. K. Miller, G. Ghosh, E. A. Kenik, S. Huang, P. K. Liaw., “Effects of precipitate microstructure on the room temperature ductility of NiAl-strengthened ferritic steels,”Materials Science and Engineering A., 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2012.01.103
  8. Zhang Z. W., Liu CT, Wen Y, Hirata A, Guo S, Chen G, Chen M, Chin B., “Influence of aging and thermomechanical treatments on the mechanical properties of a nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steel”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 43, p. 351-59, 2012
  9. XL Wang, CT Liu, U. Keiderling, AS Stoica, L. Yang, MK Miller, CL Fu, D. Ma, and K. An, “Unual thermal stability of nano-structured ferritic alloys” J. Alloys and Compounds 529, 96-101, 2012
  10. ZK Teng, CT Liu, MK Miller, G. Ghosh, EA Kenik, S. Huang, PK Liaw, “Room temperature ductility of NiAl-strengthened ferritic steels: Effect of precipitate microstructure”, Mater Sci. Engr. A 541, 22-27, 2012
  11. Y Yang, JF Zeng, A Volland, JJ blabdin, S Gravier and CT Liu, “Fractal Growth of dense packing phase in annealed metallic glass imaged by hign resolution atomic force microscopy, Acta Mater. 60 (13-14), 5260-5272, 2012
  12. Fan Cang, HG Yan, C. T. Liu, HQ Li, PK Liaw, Y Ren, T. Egami, “Changes in the atomic structure through glass transition observed by X-ray scattering”, Intermetallics 23, 111-115, 2012
  13. Y Wen, Y. Liu, A. Hirata, F. Liu, T. Fujita, Y Dou, D. Liu, B. Liu, ,Z. Liu, C. T. Liu, “Innovative processing of high-strength and low cost ferritic steels strengthened by Y-Ti-O nanoclusters”, Mater. Sc. Engr. A 544, 59-69, May 2012
  14. Z. K. Teng, F. Zhang, M. K. Miller, C. T. Liu, S. Huang, R. H. Tien, Y. T. Chou, Y. A. Chang, P. K. Liaw. “Thermodynamic modeling and experimental validation of the Fe-Al-Ni-Cr-Mo alloy system, ’’Materials Letters, 2012; 71: 36-40
  15. MR Chen, Y. Jiang, YH He, LW Lin, BY Huang, C. T. Liu, “Pore evolution regulation in synthesis of open pore structured Ti-Al intermetallic compoinds by solid diffusion”, J. alloy and Compounds 521, 12-15, April 2012


  1. ZW Zhang, CT Liu, XL Wang, KC Littrell, MK Miller, K An, and BA Chin, “From embryos to precipitates: A study of nucleation and growth in a multicomponent ferritic steel”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174114 (2011)
  2. Liu XJ, Xu Y., Lu ZP, Hui X., Chen GL, Zheng GP, Liu, C.T., “Atomic packing symmetry in the metallic liquid and glass states”, Acta Mater. 59, 6480-6488, 2011
  3. Wang Q, Liu CT, Yang. Y, Dong YD, and Lu J, Atomic-scale structural evolution and stability of supercooled liquid of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Phy. Rev. Lett. 106, 215505, 2011
  4. Liu ZY, Yang Y., Liu CT, “Size-affected shear band speed in bulk metallic glasses”, App.Phys. Lett .99, 171904, 2011
  5. Guo, S.; Ng, C.; Lu, J.; Liu, C. T., Effect of valence electron concentration on stability of fcc or bcc phase in high entropy alloys, J. Applied Physics 109(10), 103505, 2011
  6. Sheng Guo and C. T. Liu, ”Phase stability in high entropy alloys: formation of solid-solution phase or amorphous phase”, Prog. Nature Scie.: Mater. International, 21, 433-446, 2011
  7. Wen YR, Liu Y, Liu DH, Tang B, Liu CT, Microstructural evolution of ferritic steel powder during mechanical alloying with iron oxide, International Journal of Materials Research 102 (2), 160-167, 2011
  8. Zhang ZW, Liu CT, Guo S, Cheng JL, Chen G, Fujita T, Chen MW, Chung YW, Vaynman S, Fine ME, Chin BA, “Boron effects on the ductility of a nano-cluster-strengthened ferritic steel”, Mate. Sci. Eng. A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 528, 855-859, 2011
  9. Fan, C.; Ren, Y.; Liu, C. T., Liaw, P. K.; Yan, H. G.; Egami, T., Atomic migration and bonding characteristics during a glass transition investigated using as-cast Zr-Cu-Al. Physical Review B 83(19), 195207, 2011
  10. Liu ZY, Guo S, Liu XJ, Ye JC, Yang Y, Wang XL, Yang L, An K, Liu CT, Micromechanical characterization of casting-induced inhomogeneity in an Al0.8CoCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloy, Scripta Materialia 64, 868-871, 2011
  11. Yang Y, JC Ye, J Lu, and CT Liu, “Dual character of stable shear bands in bulk metallic glasses”, Intermetallics 19, 1005-1013, 2011
  12. Jang JSC, Wu KC, Jian SR, Hsieh PJ, Huang JC, and Liu CT, “A Ni-free Zr-based bulk metallic glass with remarkable plasticity”, J Alloy compounds 509, S109-114, 2011
  13. Liu ZY, Yang Y, Guo S, Liu XJ, Lu J, Liu YH, Liu CT, Cooling rate effect on Young's modulus and hardness of a Zr-based metallic glass. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, 3269-3273, 2011
  14. Wang SL, He YH, Liu XL, Zhang QA, Zou J, Huang H, Song M, Huang BY, Liu CT, Du Y, Large-scale synthesis of tungsten single-crystal microtubes via vapor-deposition process. Journal of Crystal Growth 316 (1) 137-144, 2011
  15. Dong, H. X.; He, Y. H.; Jiang, Y.; Wu, L.; Zou, J.; Xu, N. P.; Huang, B. Y.; Liu, C. T., Effect of Al content on porous Ni-Al alloys, Mater. Sci. Engr. A -Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 528(13-14), 4849-4855, 2011
  16. SL Wang, Y He, X Liu, H Huang, J Zou, M Song, BY Huang, and C. T. Liu, “Noval C/Cu Sheath/core nanostructures synthesized via low-temperature MOCVD”, Nanotechnology 22, 405704, 2011
  17. Gao, H. Y.; He, Y. H.; Shen, P. Z.; Zou, J.; Xu, N. P.; Jiang, Y.; Huang, B. Y.; Liu, C. T., Congenerous and heterogeneous brazing of porous FeAl intermetallics. Powder Metallurgy 54 (2), 142-147, 2011
  18. L Wu, J Yao, H Dong, Y He, N Xu, J Zou, BY Huang, CT Liu, “The corrosion behavior of porous Ni3Al intermetallic materials in trong alkali solution”, Intermetallics 19, 1759-1765, 2011
  19. H. X. Dong, T Lei, YH He, N. Xu, BY Huang, C. T. Liu, “Electrochemical performance of porous Ni3Al electrodes for hydrogen evolution reaction”, International J Hydrogen Energy 36, 12112-12120, 2011
  20. Y. Jiang, YH He, BY Huang, J. Zou, H. Huang, NP Xu, C. T. Liu, “Criterion to control self-propagation high-temperature synthesis for porous Ti-Al intermetallics”, Powder Metall. 54, 404-407, 2011
  21. L Huang, PK Liaw, C. T. Liu, Y Liu, JS Huang, “Microstructure evolution of TiAl+ W+B alloy”, Trans Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 21, 2192-98, 2011
  22. F. Liu, Yong Liu, Y. Wen, Y. Dou, D. Zhao, C. T. Liu, “Microstructures and mechanical properties of Fe-14Cr-3W-Ti-Y2O3 steel with 1 wt.% of Cu addition fabricated by a new method”, J. Nuclear materials 414, 422-425, 2011


  1. JC Ye, J Lu, CT Liu, Q Wang and Y Yang, "Atomistic free-volume zones and inelastic deformation of metallic glasses", Nature Mater. 9, 619-623, 2010
  2. Liu, XJ, Xu, Y, Hui, X, Lu, ZP, Li, F., Chen, GL, Lu, J, and Liu, CT, "Metallic liquids and glasses: Atomic order and global packing", Phy. Rev. Lett. 105, 155501, 2010
  3. YA Wu, YH Xiao, GL Chen, CT Liu and ZP Lu, "Bulk metallic glass composites with transformation-mediated work-hardening and ductility", Adv. Mater. 22, 2770-73, 2010
  4. Sheng Guo, ZP Lu, and CT Liu, "Identify the best glass forming ability criterion", Intermetallics 18, 883-888, 2010
  5. Teng ZK, Liu CT, Ghosh G, Liaw PK, Fine ME, "Effects of Al on the microstructure and ductility of NiAl- strengthened ferritic steels at room temperature", Intermetallics 2010;18:1437
  6. Liu YH, Liu CT, Gali A, Inoue A, Chen MW, "Evolution of shear bands and its correlation with mechanical response of a ductile Zr55Pd10Cu20Ni5Al10 bulk metallic glass", Intermetallics 2010;18:1455
  7. ZW Zhang, CT Liu, S. Guo, JL Cheng, G Chen, Takeshi Fujita, MW Chen, YW Chung, S Vaynman, ME Fine, BA Chin, "Boron effects on the ductility of a nano-cluster-strengthened ferritic steel", Mater. Sci. Engr. A 528, 855-859, 2010
  8. ZK Teng, MK Miller, G. Ghosh, CT Liu, S. Huang, KF Russsell, ME Fine, and PY Liaw, "Characterization of nanoscale NiAl-type precipitates in a ferritic steel by electron microscopy and atom probe tomography", Scripta Mater. 63, 61-64, 2010
  9. Yang Y, Ye JC, Lu J, Liaw PK, Liu CT, "Characteristic length scales governing plasticity/brittleness of bulk metallic glasses at ambient temperature", Applied Physics Letters 2010;96, 011905
  10. JL Cheng, G Chen, P Gao, CT Liu, and Y Li, "The critical cooling rate and microstructure evolution of Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.4Ni10Be22.5 composites by Bridgman solidification", Intermetallics 18,115-118, 2010
  11. JL Cheng, G Chen, F Xu, YL Du, YS Li and CT Liu, "Correlation of the microstructure and mechanical properties of Zr-based in-situ bulk metallic glass", Intermetallics 18, 2425-2430, 2010
  12. Dong HX, Jiang Y, He YH, Zou J, Xu NP, Huang BY, Liu CT, Liaw PK, "Oxidation behavior of porous NiAl prepared through reactive synthesis", Materials Chemistry and Physics 2010;122:417
  13. Dong HX, He YH, Zou J, Xu NP, Huang BY, Liu CT, "Effect of preheating treatment at 575 degrees C of green compacts on porous NiAl", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2010;492:219
  14. PZ Shen, M Song, YH He, HY Gao, J Zou, HP Xu, BY Huang, CT Liu, "Synthesis and characterization of porous Fe-25wt.% Al alloys with controllable pore structure", Power Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 49, 183-92, 2010


  1. YH Liu, CT Liu, WH Wang, A. Inoue, T. Sakurai, and MW Chen, "Thermodynamic Origins of Shear Band Formation and the universal Scaling Law of Metallic Glass Strength", Phy. Rev, Lett. 103, 065504, 2009
  2. Cheng S, Stoica AD, Wang XL, Ren Y, Almer J, Horton JA, Liu CT, Clausen B, Brown DW, Liaw PK, Zuo L., "Deformation Crossover: From Nano- to Mesoscale", Physical Review Letters 2009;103
  3. Ling Yang, Michael K Miller, Xun-Li Wang, CT Liu, AD Stoica, Dong Ma, J Almer, and D Shi, "Nanoscale solute partitioning in bulk metallic glasses", Adv. Mater. 21, 305-308, 2009
  4. Jun Xu, CT Liu, MK Miller, and Hongmin Chen, "Nanocluster-associated vacancies in nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steel as seen via positron-lifetime spectroscopy", Phy. Rev. B 79, 020204 (R), 2009
  5. CH Hsueh, H Bei, CT Liu, EP George, PF Becher, "Controlled normal/shear loading and shear fracture in bulk metallic glasses", Intermetallics 17, 802-810, 2009
  6. JH Schneibel, CT Liu, MK Miller, MJ Mills, P. Sarosi, and M. Heilmaier, "Untrafine-grained nanocluster-strengthened alloys with unusually high creep strength", Scrip. Mater. 61, 793-96, 2009
  7. G Chen, H.BEi, Y Cao, A Gali, CT Liu, and EP George, "Enhanced plasticity in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite with in situ formed intermetallic phases", App. Phy. Lett. 95, 081908, 2009
  8. Cang Fan, C. T. Liu, and H. G. Yan, "Mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses at cryogenic temperatures", Modern Phy. Lett. 23, 2703-2722, 2009
  9. Fan C, Liaw PK, Liu CT, "Atomistic model of amorphous materials", Intermetallics 2009;17:86
  10. Y Yamamoto, ML Santella, CT Liu, ND Evans, PJ Maziasz, MP Brady, "Evaluation of Mn substitution for in alumina-forming austenitic stainless steels", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 524, 176-185, 2009
  11. XY Cheng, Yip-Wah Chung, Bo Zhao, B Hong, and CT Liu, "Effect of Atomic ordering on hydrogen dissociation on Ni3Fe surfaces", App. Phy. Lett. 94, 111902, 2009
  12. Dong HX, Jiang Y, He YH, Song M, Zou J, Xu NP, Huang BY, Liu CT, Liaw PK, "Formation of porous Ni-Al intermetallics through pressureless reaction synthesis", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009;484:907
  13. W Kai, IF Ren, RF Wang, PC Kao, and CT Liu, "The oxidation behavior of an Fe61B15Zr8Mo7Co5Y2Cr2 bulk metallic glass at 650C in various oxygen-containing environments", Intermetallics 17, 165-68, 2009
  14. W Kai, IF Ren, RF Wang, PC Kao, and CT Liu, "The oxidation behavior of an Fe61B15Zr8Mo7Co5Y2Cr2 bulk metallic glass at 550-700C", Intermetallics 17, 205-210, 2009
  15. S Wang, Y He, X Fang, J Zou, Y Wang, H Huang, PMFJ Costa, M Song, B Huang, Chain T Liu, PK Liaw, Y Bando, and D Golberg, "Structure and Field-Emission Properties of Sub-Micrometer-sized Tungsten-Whisker arrays fabricated by vapor deposition", Advanced Mater. 21, 2387-2392, 2009
  16. H Huang, YQ Wu, SL Wang, YH He, J. Zou, BY Huang, CT LIU, "Mechanical properties of single crystal tungsten microwhiskers characterized by nanoindentation", Mater. Sci. Engr. A 523, 193-198, 2009
  17. SCJ Jason, SR Jian, TH Li, JC Huang, CYA Tsao, and CT Liu, "Structural and mechanical characterizations of ductile Fe particles-reinforced MG-based bulk metallic glass composites", J. Alloys and Compounds 485, 290-294, 2009
  18. Gao HY, He YH, Shen PZ, Zou J, Xu NP, Jiang Y, Huang BY, Liu CT, "Porous FeAl intermetallics fabricated by elemental powder reactive synthesis", Intermetallics 2009;17:1041
  19. Gao HY, He YH, Shen PZ, Zou J, Xu NP, Jiang Y, Huang BY, Liu CT, "Effects of Al content on porous Fe-Al alloys", Powder Metallurgy 2009;52:158
  20. Wall JJ, Almer JD, Vogel SC, Liaw PK, Choo H, Liu CT, "Synchrotron X-ray scattering investigations of oxygen-induced nucleation in a Zr-based glass-forming alloy", Scripta Materialia 2009;61:293
  21. Wu Y, Chen GL, Hui XD, Liu CT, Lin Y, Shang XC, Lu ZP, "A quantitative link between microplastic instability and macroscopic deformation behaviors in metallic glasses", Journal of Applied Physics 2009;106
  22. Zhongwu Zhang, Guang Chen, Hongbin Bei, Feng Li, Feng Ye, Gualiang Chen, Chain-Tsuan Liu, "Directional recrystallization and microstructures of an Fe-6.5Wt%Si alloy", J. Mater. Res. 24 (8), 2654-60, 2009
  23. Jang JSC, Jian SR, Chang CF, Chang LJ, Huang YC, Li TH, Huang JC, Liu CT, "Thermal and mechanical properties of the Zr53Cu30Ni9Al8 based bulk metallic glass microalloyed with silicon", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009;478:215
  24. Liu Y, Wu H, He SW, Liu CT, Huang BY, "Casting effect on softening of metallic glasses", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009;483:82
  25. Shen PZ, He YH, Gao HY, Zou J, Xu NP, Jiang Y, Huang BY, Liu CT, "Development of a new graded-porosity FeAl alloy by elemental reactive synthesis", Desalination 2009;249:29
  26. Shen PZ, Song M, Gao HY, He YH, Zou J, Xu NP, Huang BY, Liu CT, "Structural characteristics and high-temperature oxidation behavior of porous Fe-40 at.%Al alloy", Journal of Materials Science 2009;44:4413
  27. Yao Jiang, Chuping Deng, Yuehui He, Yap Zhao, Nanping Xu, Jin Zou, Baiyun Huang, C. T. Liu, "Reactive synthesis of microporous titanium-aluminide membranes", Mater. Lett. 63, 22-24, 2009
  28. Jang JSC, Tsao SF, Chang L, Huang JC, Liu CT, "Nanocrystallization of Zr61Al7.5Cu17.5Ni10Si4metallic glass", Intermetallics 2009;17:56
  29. Jiang Y, Deng CP, He YH, Zhao Y, Xu NP, Zou J, Huang BY, Liu CT, "Reactive synthesis of microporous titanium-aluminide membranes", Materials Letters 2009;63:22


  1. CH Hsueh, H Bei, CT Liu, PF BEcher and EP George, "Shear fracture of bulk metallic glasses with controlled applied normal stresses", Scripa Mater. 59, 111-114, 2008
  2. M. P. Brady, Y. Yamamoto, M. L. Santella, P. J. Maziasz, B. A. Pint, C. T. Liu, Z. P. Lu, H. Bei, "Development of Alumina-Forming Austenitic Stainless Steels for High-Temperature Structural Use", Journal of Metals (JOM), pp 12-18, July issue, 2008
  3. ZP Lu, H Bei, Y Wu, G. L. Chen, EP George and CT Liu, "Oxygen effects on plastic deformation of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass", Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 011915, 2008
  4. JJ Wall, CT Liu, WK Rhim, JJZ Li, PK Liaw, H Choo, and WL John, "Heterogeneous nucleation in a glass-forming alloy", Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 244106, 2008
  5. Cang Fan, D Chen, PK Liaw, H Chou, C Benmore, J Siewenie, GL Chen, JX Xie, and CT Liu, "Influence of molten status on nanoquasicrystalline-forming Zr-based metallic Glasses", Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 261905, 2008
  6. M.P. Brady, Y. Yamamoto, Z.P. Lu, P.J. Maziasz, C.T. Liu, B.A. Pint, and M.L. Santella, "Alumina-Forming Austenitics: A New Class of Heat-Resistant Stainless Steels", Stainless Steel World Magazine, pp 23-29, March 2008
  7. ZP Lu, CT Liu, Y WU, H Tan, Y Li, GL Chen, "Composition effects on glass forming ability and its indicator γ", Intermetallics 16, 410-417, 2008
  8. Y. Yamamoto, M. Takeyama, Z.P. Lu, C.T. Liu, N.D. Evans, P.J. Maziasz, and M.P. Brady, "Alloying effects on creep and oxidation resistance of austenitic stainless steel alloys employing intermetallic precipitates", Intermetallics 16, 453-462, 2008
  9. XJ Liu, Chen GL, Hou HY, Hui XD, Lu ZP, Yao KF, CT Liu, "Atomistic mechanism for nanocrystallization in metallic glasses", Acta Mater 56(12), 2760-2769, 2008
  10. XJ Wan, YX Chen, DD Shi, and CT Liu, "Effect of alloy stochiometry and boron doping on the H2induced encironmental embrittlement of Ni3Fe intermetallics", Interemetallics 16, 550-553, 2008
  11. SL Wang, Y. H. He, J. Zou, Y. Wang, H. Huang, BY Huang, CT Liu, and PK Liaw, "Catalytic Growth of Metallic tungsten whiskers based on the vapor-solid-solid mechanism", Nanotech. 19, 345604, 2008
  12. M.P. Brady, Y. Yamamoto, Z.P. Lu, P.J. Maziasz, C.T. Liu, B.A. Pint, and M.L. Santella, "Alumina-Forming Austenitics: A New Class of Heat-Resistant Stainless Steels", Chinese Journal of Nature (in Chinese) 30(3), pp 1-5, 2008
  13. M. K. Miller, C. L. Fu, M. Krcmar, D. T. Hoelzer, and C. T. Liu, "Vacancies as a constitutive element for the design of nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steels (abstract in English and text in Chinese)", Shanghai Metals 30, No. 4, 1-6, 2008
  14. ZW Zhang, G Chen, H Bei, F Ye, GL Chen, and CT Liu, "Improvement of magnetic properties of an Fe-6.5 wt. % Si alloy by directional recrystallization", App. Phy. Lett. 93, 191908, 2008
  15. MK Miller, CL Fu, M Krcmar, DT Hoelzer, and CT Liu, "Vacancies as a constitutive element for the design of nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steels", Front. Mater. Sci. China, DOI 10.1007/s11706-009-0001-8, 2008


  1. C. T. Liu, C. L. Fu, M. F. Chisholm, J. R. Thompson, Maja Kremar, and X.-L. Wang, "Magnetism and solid solution effects in NiAl (40% Al) alloys", Prog. Mater. Sci. 52, 352-370, 2007
  2. Y. Yamamoto, M. P. Brady, Z. P. Lu, P. J. Maziasz, C. T. Liu, B. A. Pin, K. L. More, H. M. Meyer, and E. A. Payzant, "Creep-resistant, Al2O3-forming Austanitic Stainless Steels", SCIENCE 316, p. 433-436, 2007
  3. L. Yang, X.-L. Wang, C. T. Liu, J. a. Fernandez-Beca, C. L. Fu, J. W. Richardson and D. Shi, "Neutron diffraction study of the structure and low-temperature phase transformation in ternary NiAl + M (M= Ni, Fe, Co) alloy", Scripta Mater. 56, 911-914, 2007
  4. JH Schneibel, CT Liu, DT Hoelzer, MJ Mills, P Sarosi, T Hayashi, U Wendt and H. Heyse, "Development of porosity in an oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic alloy containing nanoscale oxide particles", Scripta Materi. 57, 1040-1043, 2007
  5. ZP Lu, Y Liu, and CT Liu, "Evaluation of Glass-Forming Ability", pp 87-115 in the book "Bulk Metallic Glass", Springer, 2007
  6. Yuehui He, Yao Jiang, Nanping Xu, Jin Zou, Baiyun Huang, CT Liu and PK Liaw, "Fabrication of Ti-Al micro/nanometer-sized Porous alloys through the Kirkendall effect", Adv. Mater. 19, 2102-2106, 2007
  7. Y. Liu, C. T. Liu, E. P. George, and X. Z. Wang, "The Soret effect in bulk metallic glasses", Intermetallics 15, 557-563 (2007)
  8. ZP Lu, H. Bei, and CT Liu, "Recent progress in quantifying glass-forming ability of bulk metallic glasses", Intermetallics 15, 618-624, 2007
  9. ZP Lu and CT Liu, "A scheme to design multicomponent bulk metallic glasses", Mater. Trans., JIM 48, 2476-2482, 2007
  10. Shiliang Wang, Yuehui He, Jin Zou, Peng Cao, Yao Jiang, Baiyun Huang, CT. Liu, and PK Liaw, "Synthesis of tungsten oxide tapered needles with nanotips", J. Crystal Growth 303, 574-59, 2007
  11. XH Du, JC Huang, CT Liu, and ZP Lu, "New criterion of glass forming ability for bulk metallic glasses", J. Appl. Phys. 101, 086108, 2007
  12. Y Yamamoto, MP Brady, ZP Lu, CT Liu, M Takeyama, PJ Maziasz, and BA Pint, "Alumina-forming austenitic stainless steels strengthened by Laves phase and MC carbide predipitates", Metall. Materi Trans. 38A, 2737-2746, 2007
  13. XJ Liu, Chen G L, Hui X D, Hou H Y, Yao K F, CT Liu, "Growth mechanism from nano-ordered clusters to nanocrystals in a deeply undercooled melt of Zr-Ni-Ti metallic glass", J Appl Phys 102(6): 063515-1 to -5, 2007
  14. Cang Fan, P. K. Liaw, T. W. Wilson, H. Choo and C. T. Liu, "Structure and mechanical behavior of amorphous alloys and their in-situ composites", pp. 93-112 in the book "The world of bulk metallic glasses and their composites", Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2007
  15. G. Y. Wang, P. K. Liaw, Y. Yokoyama, W. H. Peter, B. Yang, M. Freels, R. A. Bucanan, C. T. Liu, C. R. Brooks, "Influence of air and vacuum environment on fatigue behavior of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses", J. Alloy and Compounds 434-435, 68-70, 2007
  16. GY Wang, PK Liaw, Y. Yokoyama, A. Peker, WH Peter, B. Yang, M. Freels, ZY Zhang, V. Keppens, R. Hermann, RA Bucanan, CT Liu, and CR Brook, "Studying fatigue behavior and Poisson's ratio of bulk-metallic glasses", Intermetallics 15, 663-667, 2007
  17. TH Hung, YC Chang, YN Wang, CW Tang, JN Kuo, HM Chen, YL Tsai, JC Huang, JSC Jang, and CT Liu, "Development of Mg based amorphous alloys with higher amounts of rare earth elements", Mater. Trans, JIM 48, 1621-25, 2007
  18. JSC Jang, CC Tseng, LJ Chang, CF Chang, WJ Lee, JC Huang, and CT Liu, "Glass forming ability and thermal properties of the Mg-based amorphous alloys with dual rare earth elements addition", Mater. Trans, JIM 48, 1684-88, 2007
  19. YP Deng, YF Guan, JD Fowlkes, SQ Wen, FX Liu, GM Pharr, PK Liaw, CT Liu, and PD Rock, "A combinatorial thin film sputtering approach for synthesizing and characterizing ternary ZrCuAl metallic glasses", Intermetallics 15, 1208-1216, 2007
  20. Shiliang Wang, Yuehui He, Jin Zou, Yao Jiang, Jian Xu, Baiyun Huang, CT. Liu, and PK Liaw, "Synthesis of single crystal tungsten nanowires by nickel-catalyzed vapor-phase method at 850C", J. Crystal Growth 306, 433-436, 2007
  21. M. L. Morrison, R. A. Buchanan, P. K. Liaw, B. A. Green, G. Y. Wang, C. T. Liu and J. A. Horton, "Four-Point-Bending-Fatigue Behavior of the Zr-based Vitreloy 105 Bulk Metallic Glass", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 467, 190-197, 2007
  22. M. L. Morrison, R. A. Buchanan, P. K. Liaw, B. A. Green, G. Y. Wang, C. T. Liu and J. A. Horton, "Corrosion-Fatigue Studies of the Zr-based Vitreloy 105 Bulk Metallic Glass", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 467, 198-206, 2007


  1. M. K. Miller, C. T. Liu, J. A. Wright, W. Tang and K. Hildal, "APT characterization of some iron-based bulk metallic gasses", J. Intermetallics 14, 1019-1027, 2006
  2. J. S. C. Jang, L. J. Chang, T. H. Hung, J. C. Huang, and C. T. Liu, "Thermal stability and crystallization of Zr-Al-Cu-Ni based amorphous alloy added with born and silicon", J. Intermetallics 14, 951-957, 2006
  3. Y. Liu, C. T. Liu, E. G. George, and X. Z. Wang, "Thermal diffusion and compositional inhomgeneity in cast Zr50Cu50 bulk metallic glass", Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 051919, 2006
  4. B. Yang, C. T. Liu, and T. G. Nieh, "Unified equation for the strength of bulk metallic glasses", Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 221911, 2006
  5. G. Y. Sun, G. Chen, C. T. Liu, and G. L. Chen, "Innovative processing and property improvement of metallic glass based composites", Script Mater. 55, 375-378, 2006
  6. J.J. Wall JJ, C. Fan, P.K. Liaw, C.T. Liu and H. Choo, "A Combined Drop / Suction Casting Machine for the Manufacture of Bulk-Metallic Glass Materials", Review of Scientific Instruments 77, Art. No. 033902(2006)
  7. C. Fan, H. Li, L. J. Kecskes, K. Tao, H. Choo, P. K. Liaw, and C. T. Liu, "Mechanical Behavior of Bulk Amorphous Alloys Reinforced by Ductile Particles in Cryogenic Temperature", Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 145506 (2006)
  8. Z. P. Lu, J. Shen, D. W. Xing, J. F. Sun, and C. T. Liu, "Binary eutectic clusters and glass formation in ideal glass-formation liquids", Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 071910, 2006
  9. Cang Fan, P. K. Liaw, T.W. Wilson, H. Choo, Y. F. Gao, and C. T. Liu, "Pair distribution function study and mechanical behavior of as-cast and structurally relaxed Zr-based bulk metallic glasses", Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 231920, 2006
  10. Cang Fan, P. K. Liaw, T. W. Wilson, W. Dmowski, Th. Proffen, H. Choo, and C.T. Liu, "Structural Model for Bulk Amorphous Alloys", Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 111905, 2006
  11. Cang Fan, P. K. Liaw, V. Haas, J.J. Wall, H. Choo, A. Inoue, and C. T. Liu, "Structures and Mechanical Behaviors of Zr55Cu35Al10 Bulk Amorphous Alloys at Ambient and Cryogenic Temperatures", Phys. Rev. B 74, 014205, 2006
  12. L. Xia, S. S. Fang, Q. Wang, Y. D. Dong, and C. T. Liu, "Thermodynamic modeling of glass formation in metallic glasses", App. Phys. Lett. 88, 171905, 2006
  13. B. Yang, C. T. Liu, T. G. Nieh, M. L. Morrison, P. K. Liaw, R. A. Buchanan, "Localized heating and fracture criterion for bulk metallic glasses", J. Mater. Res. 21(4), 915-922, 2006
  14. G. L. Chen, X. L. Liu, D. Hui, H. Y. Hou, C. T. Liu, and J. Wadsworth, "Molecular dynamic simulations and atomic structures of amorphous materials", Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 203115, 2006
  15. Y. Liu, L. F. Chen, H. P. Tang, C. T. Liu, and B. Y. Huang, "Design of powder metallurgy titanium alloys and composites", Mater. Sci. Engr. A 418, 25-35, 2006
  16. Yuehui He, Shiliang Wang, Baiyub Huang, C. T. Liu, and P. K. Liaw, "Novel tungsten oxide microneedles with nanosized tips", Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 223107, 2006